Thursday, 15 November 2018

Runenberg Besieged - Intro and Nav-Guide

Runenberg Under Siege

In this exciting addition to the Infinity setting the Shock Army of Acontecimento plays a pivotal role in holding back the Combined Army. They are the experienced jungle fighters of the Hyperpower, and it is in the jungles of Paradiso that they face their greatest test. Holding open the only supply route into besieged Runenberg, and then holding back the Combined Army during the withdrawal, the strength of Acontecimento is spent to such an extent that it will take years for the SAA to recover its strength and act, once again, as a major element in the PanOceanian military forces.

You can download the "Runenberg Besieged" mission pack here:

The first phase of the Third Offensive culminates with the city of Runenberg, de facto capital of the eastern region of Syldavia, besieged and partially encircled by EI troops, which if completed will mean the end of the city. Runenberg’s only hope is the so-called Riebeck Route, a set of secondary routes and roads that, together with an unreliable air route, are the only connections for supplies and reinforcements between this city and the PanOceanian ranks. Attacks on this route occur daily, obligating the PanOceanian forces, along with the rest of the Paradiso Coordinated Command forces, to patrol it continuously to prevent the Combined Army from severing this nexus vital for the city’s survival.

The weight of this monumental task falls upon the troops of the Shock Army of Acontecimento, the core of the Green-A Combat Group and the army responsible for the maintenance of the Norstralian North-Central front-line Experts in jungle combat, Acontecimento troops are a versatile force perfectly prepared for the wild environment of the emerald hell of Paradiso. Aware of this fact, the PanOceanian High Command has moved all available contingents of the planetary army of Acontecimento to Runenberg’s operations area, where this force can make a difference. Whether in the defense of the city itself, fighting for the control of the Riebeck Route, or pressing from the PanOceanian side of the front to break the lines of the Combined Army, the Acontecimento troops will demonstrate that there are none better to fulfill the assigned mission. 

However, the EI is not willing to lose the opportunity to take over this city, which at the time was called by the press as “The Paradiso jewel in the PanOceanian crown”. The Evolved Intelligence is an exceptional strategist and has at its disposal the brutality of the Morat, the deception of the Shasvastii, and the versatility of the Onyx with which it has already managed to establish a siege on the city. If the Combined Army forces manage to close the Runenberg encirclement, the city’s days will be numbered regardless of the quality of its defenders. Although the Shock Army of Acontecimento is not alone in this mission, it will not be able to hold out long if the forces stationed there lose their logistic link. The Nomad troops, defending one of the largest Commercial Missions on the planet, and ALEPH, deployed to protect this strategic position in Norstralia, will both be trapped in the city, which will turn into a deadly snare from which there will be no exit. The orders are to resist at any price, but the EI is determined to make this price higher than what humanity can afford to pay.

As a consequence of the Third Offensive, the city of Runenberg in the PanOceanian region of Syldavia becomes a hot spot of Combined Army operations, which has nearly encircled it. Besieged, the city depends on the forces of the Shock Army of Acontecimento, which has deployed all available troops there for its defense. Once again, the emerald jungles of Paradiso are dyed red.

The "Runenberg Besieged" set of missions has been conceived to commemorate the value of Acontecimento troops in Runenberg and to recreate some of the most intense action scenes of this bloody siege through the three scenarios that comprise it:

• Nav-Guide: Represents the difficulty of establishing a safe air route connecting Runenberg with the allied lines.
 • Jungle Trail: Recreates the efforts of the Acontecimento troops to keep one of the secondary trails that are part of the Riebeck Route open.
• Green Hell: Reproduces the fierce fighting to control the jungle territory that surrounds the city of Runenberg.

In this article we will look at the first of these missions, Nav-Guide, and break it down in detail with a special focus on the Shock Army of Acontecimento. Three more articles will look at the two following missions, Jungle Trail and Green Hell, while the last will consider the updated Shock Army of Acontecimento and how they play as their models go OOP.

Nav - Guide

The maintenance of an air route is vital to Runenberg’s resistance. If this connection with the allied lines were cut, the city would begin to suffer shortages of supplies, food, and ammunition. However, the approach routes to the city are full of enemies, and all enemy SAM platforms are aimed at them, so it’s essential to cross at full speed. However, in order to achieve this feat, you cannot rely solely on the ability of the pilot, or the aircraft’s on-board automatic systems; a beacon system is necessary to mark a safe route to follow. Therefore, keeping the Navigation Antennas active is one of the most important tasks to be carried out by the defenders of Runenberg.

When looking at Nav-Guide the first thing to consider is the special rules, as these will make a significant difference to list design and play. There are two here for us to keep in mind:

The Exclusion Zone is considered an Emerald Jungle Terrain Zone. In this area Movement restrictions are not applied, however, all troopers possessing the Jungle Terrain or Multiterrain Special Skills, or having a Troop Classification of Elite Troop, get a +1 inch Bonus to their first MOV value. 
This Bonus will be applied only during a Move Common Skill. 
The Exclusion Zone is also considered a Saturation Zone

The thick jungle restricts the range of firearms. In this scenario, any BS Attack where the range to the target is 32 inches or more is considered an automatic failure with no need to roll the die. 

Emerald Jungle encourages Jungle Terrain and Multiterrain units by rewarding them with increased movement while they are in the Exclusion Zone. As this zone covers the middle of the table and includes all the objectives for the mission this can be a pretty sweet little bonus. However as it will NOT be a penalty to other units it's probably overall lower in impact.

Restricted Range is a real killer. With no ability to out-range a HMG, there is little to no reason to pay the high points and SWC for Sniper Rifles (especially Multi-Snipers), Missile Launchers etc. Keep in mind, also, the restricted deployment zones and the way this will impact on ARO coverage. There is a good chance that you will be able to move some units through the "open" at long range without taking fire thanks to the range restriction.

As mentioned above, the deployment for this mission is also interesting. This mission joins Power Pack in offering split deployment, and we know from that mission that this can result in some interesting affects, especially for Airborne Deployment (EVERYONE is Van Zant!). Here's what the map looks like:

Scattered Deployment: There are 4 Deployment Zones, each one 12x12 inches, placed in the four corners of the game table. The game table then has four quadrants of 24x16 inches instead of the usual two halves. Each player has 2 Deployment Zones placed on opposite halves of the game table, on both sides of the Exclusion Zone. 

Troopers possessing Deployment Special Skills as Forward Deployment, Mechanized Deployment, Infiltration, Impersonation will consider the quadrants containing the player’s own Deployment Zones to be their half of the gaming table. Troops possessing Inferior Infiltration must deploy in either of the player’s own quadrants, with no roll required, but always outside the player’s Deployment Zones. 

Exclusion Zone: Troopers may not use the Airborne Deployment, Forward Deployment, Mechanized Deployment, or Infiltration Special Skills or the deployment rule of the Impersonation Special Skill to deploy inside of an 8-inch area on either side of the central line of the game table. The Exclusion Zone is not applied to troopers that suffer Dispersion.

Deploying into two 12" by 12" boxes is going to get tight for any force which has really spammed out units, so you probably don't want to lean into Acon Regulars and Remotes too hard for this mission. There aren't really restrictions on Infiltration, so for Acontecimento things will play as normal (but note the change to Inferior Infiltration, which can change some units in other forces). It is also worth keeping in mind that your opponent may find their deployment tight, so a LGL may well be worth picking up if you can get it upfield to punish them.

There is 1 Antenna placed on the center of the game table and 2 Consoles on the central line of the game table, placed 8 inches from the edges of the table. See the map above and then think for a moment about trying to control both of those Consoles. If your opponent is not totally crippled then they only way you are controlling both is with good mobility AND the second turn. Even an Infiltrator is going to be moving a minimum of 17" from the corner of the exclusion zone to the Console in order to make contact, that's three Orders minimum without enhanced speed (where Jungle or Multi Terrain will help).

• To Kill more enemy Army Points than the adversary (1 Objective Point). 
• To Kill more enemy Specialist Troops than the adversary (2 Objective Points). 
• Have Activated the Navigation Antenna at the end of the game (3 Objective Points). 
• Control the same number of Consoles as the adversary at the end of the game (2 Objective Points, but only if at least 1 Console is Controlled by the player). 
• Control more Consoles than the adversary at the end of the game (3 Objective Points). 

• Each player has 1 Classified Objective (1 Objective Point).

As only specialists can control the Consoles, and must not be in a marker state to do so, it's going to be a mission which rewards tough specialist troopers. Non-specialist troopers can contest them, to deny a specialist in contact, but it's often just as easy to kill the specialist if you can get a unit there. As noted above, the position of the objectives is going to make last turn rush tactics more difficult than in other missions, but the necessity to control out of marker state strongly favours the second player.

The Antenna is activated by specialists, and can be flipped, so this also favours the second player turn. The bonus points for killing Army Points and Specialists are going to encourage aggressive play, but are not enough to overcome a well set up camo or hidden deployment rush. These will need some depth in the order pool however, so an aggressive first turn player likely can cripple the ability to score with sufficient damage, even without forcing retreat.

For the player going first it is likely to be necessary to either deal crippling damage, or force your opponent into Retreat in order to end the game early, to secure a win. Although thoroughly sweeping midfield with Sensor will likely prevent a late rush on your near console, even only a couple of orders and one Specialist is likely to get back the antenna in the last player turn. These games are very likely to end up as one-sided bloodbaths, as the scoring is very weighted for a player who actually kills their opponents specialist units and drives them into retreat to clean sweep the points (barring holding their own Console, which even an opponent in Retreat has a solid chance of achieving with Command Tokens).

Now, for the new Shock Army of Acontecimento to approach this mission (it is, after all, written for them!) there's little chance they will have the advantage in getting initiative. Building to be reactively strong and then taking second turn would usually be a good option, but with Sniper Rifles hit by the range restriction that is a less viable option. The Saturation Zone through the middle of the table is also going to restrict some of the burst advantages from Fireteams, but not as heavily as other missions where they cut between the two armies entirely.

Nagas are going to be important pieces for this mission, with their enhanced mobility allowing them to get to the enemy Console in only two full move orders. Shotgun armed Akali cutting in from the back edge of the table are likely to be a highly effective strike option and either a Dragao or fully Fireteam supported Bagh Mari HMG for knocking down enemy AROs. One interesting option is the new Montessa, which has the mobility to offer a late run for missed objectives or to give some additional offensive punch. Just make sure you clear out long range fire first!

Both the Pathfinder or Acontecimento Regular Sensor with a trio of Fugazi for dropping Sniffers are likely to be good investments, and Dart can be one of the deadliest midfield sweepers for picking up units you have sniffed out but which aren't in LoF of your big guns. Crowded zones could also make for a great environment in which to exploit Scylla or Drakios, and the recent changes to Marksmanship lvl X demand a rethink on the value of Teucer across the board.

Long story short, you've got a lot of great tools in Acon for tackling this mission, 

So get out there and use them!

Monday, 17 September 2018

Fireteams In Acontecimento

Fireteam Options for the

Shock Army of Acontecimento

Sunday, 16 September 2018

Supporting The Ultimate Argument

How to Back Up A PanOceanian TAG

It’s all well and good to talk about how good PanOceania TAGs are (and I’ve been known to drone on about that topic at great length), but making them work on the table is a little more complicated than slapping one down and then winning. Some of what a new commander needs to learn is about tactical choices with their TAG, but you also need to know what to take to support your TAG.

So, with that in mind, what ARE the important options to support a TAG in PanOceania?

Well, I think the units you should be considering are:

List Writing In Infinity

The Perfect List?

There’s been a lot of discussion of list building principles around my neck of the woods recently. It’s largely driven by newer players who are trying to get their heads around this complex aspect of Infinity, but it’s far from a dead conversation, even amongst those who have been playing for years. I find myself giving the same advice repeatedly, so I thought I’d put that together into an article.

Sunday, 9 September 2018

Starting With The Hyperpower - A Guide To Joining Infinity With PanOceania

So, you've had your demo, you've read a bit online and you are excited about the opportunity to get into Infinity The Game.

Maybe you've wargamed before, in fact that's pretty likely as the overwhelming majority of Infinity players pick up the game as a second (or third, or fourth... you get the idea) wargame. But maybe you haven't and you are still getting your head around this whole idea of miniature games, with their little miniature towns (which look so much like a model train table, or a Christmas village), little toy soldiers, dice and tape measures (and tokens, SO MANY TOKENS).

It's likely that you made first contact with the game through your local WarCor, if not then it's worth finding out who they might be. Corvus Belli keep a master list here:

Get in touch and they will be able to help you with the start of your Infinity journey! There are a lot of local Facebook groups which are used for communication and you can also reach out via the Infinity forums:

Regardless, something has caught your attention and drawn you to the boys in blue. Maybe it's the clean lines and sleek aesthetic, maybe it's the crisp military uniformity, maybe it's just the colour (shout out to all my Ultramarines brothers!), or the gameplay of great shooting and straightforward tactical approaches, but perhaps (like me) it's the setting and background of the sole hyperpower which drew you in.

Now you are looking at your options for where and how to get started.

That's a great place to be.

If you are very lucky you will have a local game store which stocks Infinity, if not then you will be looking at ordering online. There are some good online retailers in every part of the world and finding out which would be best is a great question to ask your WarCor! Otherwise you can go direct 'through CB (but watch out for import taxes etc. which might make the price more than it initially appears):

There are five different products which you might want to consider as your first purchase. Each of these acts as a starting point for PanOceania, either the "Vanilla" generic army or one of the Sectorials.

Operation Icestorm (Vanilla PanOceania)

Operation Icestorm is considered by many to be the default entry point for PanOceania, especially for new players. It does, indeed, have a lot of advantages from this perspective. It offers a range of miniatures from across the PanOceania range, drawing on released and unreleased Sectorials. It provides all the materials needed to play, including dice, counters and a measuring tool. Best of all it actually walks through the rules in a very intuitive fashion, introducing new models and rules in a way which will help anyone to become more familiar with the mechanics of Infinity.

This box does come with some disadvantages, however. Price is a factor, and the fact that this is by far the most expensive choice to make as a new player can be a consideration. This can be mitigated by splitting the box with another player who wants to pick up the Nomads, but this might not always be possible. The actual model range is the main issue here, as you are picking up a couple of seldom utilised sculpts and a whole other faction. Ignoring the Nomads (which you are hopefully going to hand off to someone splitting the cost with you) there is still the ORC with Multi Rifle (which makes a pretty good Swiss Guard Hacker proxy, if you don't mind painting it that way) and the Father Knight (which some people will swear by, but I'm not keen on personally). An Airborne Deployment unit might not be the best choice for smaller games either, but that's less of a consideration long term.

PanOceania Starter Pack (Vanilla PanOceania)

The PanOceania starter box set is the same models as Operation Icestorm, minus the Father Knight, and also missing the other bits and pieces (dice, markers, intro rules). As the quick start rules are available for download on the Infinity homepage ( ) that's one less consideration. The major advantage here is price point and avoiding the need to split the box. You miss out on the Father Knight, but that isn't a big loss in the eyes of many players. If Icestorm is perfect for brand new wargamers then this is, perhaps, more suited to an existing wargamer moving into Infinity, who doesn't need the same level of support provided by the "starter box".

Neoterra Capitaline Army Starter Pack

The NCA Starter Pack is an odd beast. It has a couple of nearly essential options, the Swiss Missile Launcher, Aquila Guard Multi Rifle and Hexa Spitfire (if only for a conversion base in the case of the latter) combined with what is considered by many to be the least useful unit in all of PanOceania, the Neoterra Bolts. It's brutally unfair to ever play this Starter Pack against any other starter, so watch out for that imblance, but that's largely because it's packing over 200 points of models into the 6 troopers you are buying. The really odd thing about this box is that it isn't even necessarily a great start for someone who intends to actually play NCA as their first entry into PanOceania. That means this one is probably left for a later purchase (even if it's a later purchase you are very likely to make).

Acontecimento Shock Army Starter Pack

The Shock Army of Acontecimento, or SAA, is considered by many to be the "least PanOceanian" of the PanO Sectorial options. But that doesn't make the Sectorial, or this starter box, any less of a solid option. This box is probably worth picking up even if you are playing Vanilla PanOceania, 'though in that case it's less of a "starter" choice but a great expansion option. Beginning with SAA might not bring the same play experience as the other options, but it is an interesting and engaging choice which is supported well by this pack. If SAA is your jam then this box might be the perfect place to start your Infinity collection.

Military Orders Starter Pack

At the time of publishing I'm very reluctant to suggest this box to a new player. Most of the sculpts are outdated, even if not actually replaced by something new, and I feel that if it isn't going to be resculpted by Corvus Belli in the near future then it SHOULD be, and discouraging people from picking it up will kill the sales and make that more likely. However, if you want to play Military Orders and don't want to do a LOT of proxying then this box is an essential. The Combi Rifle and Multi Sniper Order Sergeants are essential units which you will need (to run as Specialist Sergeants). This will still catch you with an outdated Teutonic Knight and Magister Knight sculpt 'though. Hopefully CB will resculpt this soon and make this whole discussion irrelevant. 

What If I Just Want One Model?

For all those things which you want, but which are buried in a box full of other things you DON'T want, there is one official CB sanctioned box splitting service. Shae Konnit Games is an online service which delivers from Great Britain to the world. I'm basically as far away from him as it's possible to be and I've always had great service, so I highly recommend him:

Now, just before you go there are a couple of other assets which I'd want any new player to have access to. This marker maker is invaluable, play a couple of games, figure out what you want/need (or ask an experienced player) and print what you want. Print and laminate, or print onto card, or print cut and glue onto "domes", these make great tokens:

And when you're 20 or so games in, and you are ready to take on the advanced rules I highly suggest looking here for help with hacking. This tool is so good it's all many players use:

Monday, 3 September 2018

Welcome to the Heart of the Hyperpower

Citizen of PanOceania, 

To this celebration of the glorious heritage of the one true Hyperpower of the Human Sphere.

We look forward to enjoying this shared exploration of all that makes PanOceania truly great with you.

The Heart of the Hyperpower is dedicated to examining all aspects of PanOceania, the faction in the Infinity tabletop wargame and in the Infinity RPG, as well as her Aristos. We will examine the units, tactics and strategy for the tabletop wargame, as well as the setting and background information which we can discover from that source regarding the Hyperpower.

We will draw on the expertise of a range of experienced Infinity players, as well as the books from the wargame and roleplaying game, to explore the world of the Human Sphere through the perspective of the sole Hyperpower. As the Aristeia! meta develops we look forward to drawing on the emerging expertise of the top players in that community as well.

This blog is also intended to act as a channel of communication for any future Corvus Belli global campaigns, including any future campaigns using the Beasts of War Warconsole but also special ITS events and any other events run by CB.

The plan for the near future is to migrate across relevant material which has been shared elsewhere in the past, while working on beginner guides for Vanilla, NeoTerra, Acontecimento and Military Orders players. There will also be "where to from here" suggestions for the starter boxes, Icestorm and Beyond Icestorm, all in September.

In October we will start working towards the Varuna release with additional information on that part of the setting, what we know so far and what we expect along with discussion of the information as it is drip fed out by Corvus Belli.

So, Welcome!

We look forward to sharing this experience with you.