Thursday, 26 September 2019

Asteroid Blues - Security ALERT!

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We've got an alarming situation here.

This morning, raiding party of mercenaries conducted a successful operation in the Liberty Cargo facility. They briefly succeeded in penetrating site defenses for several minutes, until a response team arrived. Unfortunately this was not soon enough to prevent second, smaller and much more professional unit, from gaining access to some sensitive materials from the meeting between Mr. Levi Blackburn and Hexahedron officers.

We managed to capture several of the mercenaries from the first group, including their leader, the infamous Kandak Khan from Novyy Bangkok. He has revealed, during interrogation, the true goal of the intruders; to capture sensitive data to leak though the Arachne network. He wasn't able to confirm the true nature of his employers; they might be Yanjing operatives, Nomad Black Hand or Shasvastii agents.

It is imperative that we foil this plot.

Therefore, all available strike teams are directed to gain control over the local Arachne node and prevent any suspicious transmissions until Monday midnight. In the same time, it is still necessary to defend the Liberty Cargo base, and teams unavailable for offensive operations should continue to focus their efforts in this area.

Admiral JCJ Farley
PanOceania Fleet liaison to Coordinated Operations: Human Edge

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(Points scored at both Liberty Cargo, and the Arachne node, will count for our ongoing in-faction reporting awards. So get out there and play some games!)

Tuesday, 24 September 2019

Asteroid Blues - Profile: Juan Silagast

All by faith

Juan Silagast is just a name. An unusual name, of French origin, but well known within the PanOceanian Christian church. On the battle front few recognize him among the troops of hyperpower. But if the XIII century is mentioned ... then that changes.

Silagast was a young boy with a French father and a Spanish mother when the neo-colonial wars had barely begun. His proximity to the city of Santiago and his mother's devotion led him to enlist among the ranks of the soldiers of Christ. First as a sergeant of order, years later as a volunteer among the magister knights, he soon won the appreciation and admiration of his comrades. A little habitual reflexive temperament, and rarely given to exacerbated fanaticism that the rest showed with pride, as well as a clear altruistic vocation made him win various distinctions. After several periods of service he ended up with a shot in the back during an evacuation operation in enemy territory in which he saved the lives of 4 team members before falling.

Many soldiers fall in war, but that casualty weighed heavily for his immediate superior and he was put forward for the church supervised resurrection program.

Silagast was brought back to life with a mature-looking lhost. In fact, at the time of his death he was 60 years old and had an aged appearance, with lush white beard although in a body with a portentous physique.

His reinstatement was done by assigning him directly to the order of Calatrava and was a recognition of his extensive merits in high-risk operations in which Juan always put the welfare of civilians and their comrades ahead of their own health. In his new position, already a father knight, Silagast earned his XIII century nickname as he showed good judgment in every situation and always offered insightful and ingenious advice in conflict situations. His appearance of affable old man also had much to do. It was during these years when he had several missions in various diplomatic destinations in living conflicts, such as the first disputes in the colonization of Paradiso and in some skirmishes with organizations, such as the Druze, in the same Earth.

Reassigned to Paradiso months after the 1st offensive he dedicated himself to training and acclimatizing the newly assigned knights in the front of Norstralia to temper their momentum and teach them that the combined army was not an enemy that could be overcome with brute force and a frontal assault.

During the same 1st offensive XIII century had the opportunity to liaise with a Merovingian detachment in the north of the Norstralia continent. There he would have a good friendship with a young Zuavo officer, extremely bright in lightning operations and of an affable and dialogic nature. The personality of both caused a certain complicity to be forged and the coordinated operations between the Merovingian and Teutonic forces on the northern front were really successful. It is worth mentioning the episode in which Officer François Foxep led an offensive under the command of mechanized forces of Zuavos with the aim of rescuing a company of knights, among which was Silagast, who had been pocketed by Morat troops. That just sealed a relationship of respect and appreciation that would last for many years.

After a few months and after hundreds of hours of sharing experience and advice among military order officers, during a shasvastii raid Silagast met his destiny again. A specular command threatened to end the life of Father Commander Ibarra, at the moment in command of the 46th Sepulchre Guards Regiment, an elite force with base near Runenberg to reinforce any point in the front. Silagast detected the infiltration thanks to his knowledge of human behavior and observation skills and got in the way of the sword that would end Ibarra's life, costing his own life in return.

Ibarra was not to forget the gesture and urgently requested the reinstatement of Silagast in a last model lhost and his assignment to the 46th Sepulchre Guards. As soon as he woke up and saw himself in a mirror, Silagast demanded to recover his previous appearance and this would only reinforce the myth of the XIII century name. The father knight Juan knew well the temperament of men and soldiers and his appearance as an elder was as much an advantage to instill confidence and respect in his diplomatic tasks as well as a trick in the front line, where more than one rival had taken his old appearance as a weakness only to be crushed by his colossal brute force.

Already in its third cycle in the PanOceanian forces, Silagast was sent to different fronts such as Flamia's during the crisis that took place there, at the Wotan jump gate and ultimately at Kurage, as a link between the panoceanic military forces and the JSA and where it carried out some clash actions defending the Panoc-23 base from yu jing incursions as well as CA.

In the present, after a brief period in Paradiso where he coincided again with the already promoted to diplomatic delegate François Foxep, he was entrusted with the mission of coordinating the hospitalier and sepulchre knight forces with the troops of the Ariadna expeditionary force to maintain free the pulasky communications route to Strelsau. It was during this operation that the hexahedron intelligence corps informed him of the shasvastii  incursion and Silagast was assigned to deal with it in the Human Edge system.

It was time for Father Knight Juan Silagast to embark again and give his best in a new destination. His tactical brilliance and good hand in diplomatic relations were to be required in Novyy Bangkok. Silagast would put his experience at the service of hyperpower as a diplomatic delegate of the Panoceanian high command ... and if we talk about experience, few human beings are treasured as much as XIII century, who has (after all) earned his nickname for good reason.

Monday, 23 September 2019

Asteroid Blues - Reports from the Front

Welcome to the Latest from the Human Edge

PanOceanian forces have been engaged across Novyy Bangkok, in the skirmishes which the wider Maya community have dubbed "Asteroid Blues". Acting in defense of PanOceanian assets and civilian lives in the Human Edge system, our commanders have been in action in several notable firefights.

Here are the ones most deserving of your attention:

This video enhanced report from commander "Kazavon" sees his Varunan forces taking on ISS at the Jiyuan Open Pit Site: Quarry.

Father Knight "Zenon Berg" takes on a Haqqislamite force attempting to assert control over the Liberty Cargo: Spaceport in this cool report supported with image enhanced photos.

Here we have one of a series of exemplary reports from PanOceanian commander "Father Knight Luisjoey", who is leading his forces in a raid at The Gorge: Arachne Node.

Next we have one of the amazing comic style reports from commander "Skullmar", who is taking on a Nomad force attempting to infiltrate Liberty Cargo: Spaceport.

Wednesday, 18 September 2019

PanOceania Launches Operation: Enduring Liberty and Operation: Abiding Freedom

While the Crisis on Novyy Bangkok widens, PanOceanian Military Complex forces deploy to reinforce Liberty Transport.

Two operations are launched, each defensive:

Operation: Enduring Liberty 
- to secure the Liberty Cargo Spaceport

Operation: Abiding Freedom 
- to secure the Liberty Cargo Logistics Center

Stand as the shield which shelters the Human Sphere!
Join PanOceania at Novyy Bangkok today!

Monday, 16 September 2019

Asteroid Blues - Liberty Cargo

Welcome to Liberty Cargo: Novyy Bangkok

Liberty Cargo’s activity in Human Edge is intense. As an independent company, separate from the big transport giants such as Compass Transportation or Interspace Trust Corporation, Liberty Cargo is more flexible and sympathetic to the needs of its customers.

This company boasts a bureaucracy adapted to a frontier setting like Human Edge. This is another way to say that while all the procedures regarding permits and certificates are automated with respect to the Novyy Bangkok authorities, who receive a bonus for facilitating these processes, Liberty Cargo never asks questions about the cargo they are hired to transport.

Liberty Cargo’s facilities on Novyy Bangkok are located on the surface of this asteroid, where it has a small astroport equipped with a point defense system sanctioned by the government, given the hazardous nature of the area. The astroport has surface anchors as well as semi-subterranean hangars connected to the second level of the facilities: the cross-docking area and the main warehouses. Protruding from the superficial regolith, stands the traffic-control dome. This structure, also semi-subterranean, houses the administration offices and the quantronic server.

If you are looking to transport goods anywhere in the Human Edge, or beyond, contact Liberty Cargo: Nobyy Bangkok today!

Sunday, 8 September 2019

Asteroid Blues - VIRD Team 1 Field Report

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Lieutenant Colonel de L’Arbre – VIRD Team 1 – POSOC Forward Operating Base Sianfiarge

VIRD Team 1 has been operational in the sector for 23 days (NeoTerra standard.) We've been tasked with identifying and establishing contact with the non-aligned elements (NAEs) operating in the sector.  Because of Team 1’s previous experience liaising with NAEs during the Japanese Secession, and again during the Kurage conflict on Dawn, PanOceania Special Operations Command felt our team was uniquely qualified for the role.

Enclosed is a summary of our findings:

Japanese Secessionist Army (JSA): Special Operation Command's communications with the JSA during Kurage were channeled through a Japanese-controlled corporate front, Tasaka Strategic Consulting, which was was plugged directly into the intelligence, recon, counter-intel and clandestine warfare efforts of the Japanese Secessionist Government.  However, our attempts to establish contact in this theater haven’t generated any results.  We’ve confirmed that the corporation still exists (the funding they received through Hexahedron shell corporations during Kurage has certainly kept them in business.)  We speculate that the heavy casualties they suffered during the Yu Jing incursion around Kurage has forced them to temporarily withdraw from field operations.  It is not yet clear if the Secessionist Government has secured an alternate contractor in the interim, and whether they plan any joint combat operations with PanOceania forces during this time.  I advise we abandon backchannel communication, and pursue open dialog via broadband Diplomatic Channels.

Druze Bayram Security (DBS): The DBS were heavily invested in the Kurage campaign.  While we’ve detected their combat teams present in this sector, they’ve avoided or rejected our attempts to make contact.  We attempted to coerce dialog by interdicting one of their smuggled arms shipments, hoping to use it to trigger negotiations, with plans to return the shipment as a sign of good faith.  Rather than negotiate however, DBS staged an op against us, trying to reclaim their arms through force.  Team 1 succeeded in annihilating the DBS incursion team in self-defense, also securing 4 prisoners during the skirmish.  Unfortunately, they all succeeded in killing themselves via wetware implants before we could put any neurological restraints in place.  Our advisers suggest that further punitive action may encourage them to negotiate, but with recent upheavals in their leadership structure, there’s no guarantee they won’t simply escalate their attacks against PanOceania-held targets instead.  DBS is a wildcard, and we can detect no figure of central leadership willing to negotiate with PanOceania.

The Free Company of the Star (StarCo): StarCo represents a unique challenge.  While apparently free-lance, both their operational ethos and their close ties to the Nomad conglomerates mean that StarCo tends to do whatever their Nomad handlers want them to.  During Kurage, they proved unreliable to the Japanese Secessionist Leadership, tending to align more closely with Nomad objectives.  This seems highly likely to be a pattern we can expect to see continue in the Human Edge.  In an attempt to make contact, we staged an operation to spring one of their Data Manipulation specialists from local lockup.  That operation was successful, and we’ve delivered her to a safehouse while we negotiate pickup by StarCo.

Dahshat: At present, I advise against negotiation/collaboration with Dahshat.  Preliminary surveillance indicates a large contingent of Helot freelancers in their organization.  We’re still filtering the results through Hexahedron, O-12 and Blue Sea databases, but we have identified at least six Helots with active ties to the Libertos Paramilitary group on Varuna.  If any armed crisis escalates in the region, I strongly advise authorizing field operations against Dahshat.  Taking any of these Helots alive would be invaluable for our counter-terror efforts on Varuna, particularly in identifying the off-world funding channels that are keeping the Libertos armed and active.

Foreign Company (ForCo): Foreign Company’s priorities are, as of yet, unknown.  At present, their operational priority seems to be VIP escort and high-profile protection assignments.  Their corporate negotiator mentioned they’re finalizing contracts in the area (longest contract duration: 6 weeks, NeoTerra standard) so we should expect them to become a committed regional player.  At present, we’re liaising through their established client channels, using one of their client encrypts in order to establish dialog.  Has the Hexahedron discussed the possibility of leveraging/coercing Valkyrie, as well as ForCo’s large contingent of PanO veterans?  If possible, we may be able to secure partnership (or at least non-aggression) from ForCo by promising expanded Aristeia broadcast rights.  Another suggestion is to offer them exclusive contracts, with non-compete clauses, to protect PanOceanian personnel and corporate holdings.

Spiral Company (Spiral): It’s confirmed that Spiral has already been operating in the region for the past 3 months, with contracts focused entirely on anti-Shasvaastii investigation and interdiction.  They’ve staged at least 4 highly publicized raids in that time period, supposedly against Shas cells and/or Sepsitorized targets.  However, our own intel indicates that the Combined Army presence, even at highest estimate, is nowhere near pervasive enough to justify the kind of escalation and field operations we’re seeing from Spiral.  It’s strongly implied that they have an ulterior motive for launching their operations in the area, potentially in tandem with the remnants of Triumvirate High Command.  We recommend that the Hexahedron investigate immediately. 


Based on our intel efforts, I believe that Non-Aligned Mercenary Companies will play a minimal role in the sector.  Their individual power is negligible, and they’re utterly devoid of central leadership.  Additionally, given how critical mercenary support was to the Japanese defensive efforts in Kurage, the lack of mercenary support renders the Japanese Secessionist holdings extremely vulnerable to external assault.  Given the staging of multiple Banners of the Yu Jing Army in the sector, and the increase in perimeter foot patrols by Yu Jing military and security personnel, I believe a massive Yu Jing offensive is simply a matter of time.  Team 1’s operationally ready, and will keep you apprised of any developments.

//- …Mayacast Ends

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Wednesday, 4 September 2019

Asteroid Blues - The O-12 View

At this point in time, when the pressure exerted by the EI forces seems about to breach our defenses on the Paradiso front, the conclusions reached by our team of analysts may seem farfetched to you. But you must believe us, this threat is real and dreadful. I beg you, do as we have done: look beyond the turmoil and the conflagration of the combat on Paradiso. Lift your eyes to the unfathomable void and see what’s hiding there.

It may very well be that the most noxious consequence of the entire Third Offensive launched by the Combined Army on Paradiso is that it has served to divert our attention away from their infiltration into Human Edge.

Admittedly, we already suspected that some isolated teams of Shasvastii operatives might have broken through the Abyss Blockade that protects the Jump Gate connecting Paradiso and Human Edge. Our suspicion was based on reports of certain irregularities in that Gate’s traffic, and we had also extrapolated it from the incursion that went through the Daedalus Blockade towards the Ereeva system; there’s more information in the [files classified as Daedalus’ Fall]. However, we could have never fathomed the real magnitude of said infiltration.

The fortuitous exposure of a Shasvastii cell in Novyy Bangkok (more information in the reports about Operation: Asteroid Blues and the related file “Incident in Bubba’s Khạntiǹā”) revealed a clandestine network capable of surreptitiously moving an Onyx incursion force and large amounts of engineering material into the Human Sphere. As this operation is still in progress, we haven’t been able to determine the purpose and the final target of all these logistic materials and of the Onyx forces. Nonetheless, if we consider the connections of the Jump Gates at Human Edge, there are two obvious targets: the Solar System and Concilium, the cradle of humanity and the core of our international government, respectively. Regardless which one it is, it’s obvious that the EI is aiming for our heart and that we must put both systems under close surveillance.

Therefore, it’s vitally important that all the powers work together in patrolling and performing search and destroy operations both against Shasvastii cells and Onyx incursion squads, as well as against the
engineering teams that the EI might have infiltrated into these two systems.

Even though the Shasvastii and the Onyx may seem like the most immediate threat, our analysts believe that possibly the greatest danger may stem from those engineering teams, since we haven’t been able to ascertain their purpose yet and, until we can shed some light on that conundrum, they pose a threat that we won’t be able to contain.

Surveillance and security tasks will still be redoubled in Human Edge, in case the Combined Army forces haven’t managed to breach the Jump Gates to the Solar System and Concilium yet. But the danger is too great to neglect these two strategic systems. The fleets of the powers collaborating with the Paradiso Coordinated Command will be authorized to carry out joint patrols in the Concilium system, where in principle the transit of armed spaceships is prohibited.

All the commanding officers and specialist troops will be in direct communication with the designated Bureau Aegis command in order to coordinate these operations and process all the collected information.

Our team of analysts would like to point out that, as with other scenarios where Shasvastii cells have been involved, paranoia and suspicion have led to our forces suffering casualties from friendly fire,
in addition to having been exploited by certain powers for their own benefit to gain an advantage over rival nations.

I urge you to prevent such situations from happening again. It is not an overstatement to say that what is at stake here is the very future of the Human Sphere. If the Earth or Concilium were to fall, the rest of the systems would soon follow. I beg you, act with determination, but do it together. It’s evident from the experience gained over all these years that divided we will not survive.

Thank you.

Colonel Mariëtte Wijnkoop, Bureau Aegis Officer, in a closed session meeting
of O-12’s Security Council. Access authorization required: Alpha.

Asteroid Blues - Ready the Gratia Colossos

Colonel David Andrade, also known as Colonel “Skullmar”, was looking through the window, observing the dense and beautiful jungle that surrounded their base.

The beauty of the northern jungle of Gayatri had been there for more than fifteen years as a silent witness of the horrors he had to withstand in that Paradiso planet: the Neocolonial Wars (still as a young lieutenant sent from the Neoterran state of Serenitas & Gratia), the First Alien Offensive (which decimated the Paradiso Control Force brigade he was part of), the Second Alien Offensive (which also created numerous casualties in the division of the Red-Kangaroo Force that substituted the PCF) and now, after being abroad briefly for the task forces of Flamia, Wotan and Kurage, a third and brutal Alien Offensive had struck.

In the meantime, he was Colonel of his own regiment of Panoceanian Naval Marines, nicknamed the “Gratia Colossos” after the huge red lizards in the Gratia state, and had to deploy them in the coast of the city of Aritya to defend it during months, in collaboration with Varuna forces, from the attacks of the Combined Army. They were successful but at a very high cost in lives and this was not the last alien strike, for sure.

It had not been many days after the last battle, but duty did not allow breaks. While reflecting about all recent events, Colonel Skullmar received an encrypted message with Indigo-Dark confidentiality. After ordering his Geist to send a coded response, he headed towards the officer´s room.

"Gentlemen, the Boomerang Corps are being gathered again and our participation is required for a crisis in Human Edge. Captain Vogt, get “Finsternis” ready and the 224th company aboard. Then, you can immediately leave. The rest of the companies of the regiment will stay to defend Aritya. Be fast, Vogt."

Only a few hours later the “Finsternis” was headed full speed towards the wormhole which would bring them to the Human Edge system. They had to go to the Asteroidal City of Novyy Bangkok. Further orders would come from the Boomerang Corps high commanders, who (including Colonel Skullmar) were having their first virtual meeting.