Fireteam Options for the
Shock Army of Acontecimento

Acontecimento Regulars
As a Fireteam the Acontecimento Regulars are a source of strength and intense frustration. Although they perform the role of light infantry team in Acontecimento, they have an unusual set of weapon and equipment options for that purpose, as well as SWC costs which vary from the standard.
Most notable here is the Spitfire instead of an HMG and the lack of a Missile Launcher option. Although these changes are well justified by their position within the setting, it does alter their tabletop performance in less than ideal ways. The Spitfire demands an advance in order to engage at ideal ranges and the lack of a Missile Launcher removes a strong ARO option. While the Sapper skill on the Multi-Sniper is useful, this is perhaps slightly less so in a Fireteam (although it can allow better use of limited cover) and particularly a team which will otherwise want to move up the table.
In terms of specialists the expected range is available, but once more shows wrinkles which add to the complexity of the overall choice. Firstoff the 0.5 SWC charge on the Forward Observer is unjustified (especially when compared to similar options within Haqqislam, who have even better access to forward deployed speculative fire weapons) and frustrating for a force who (like all of PanOceania) desperately need their SWC to be invested into firepower options to overwhelm enemy units that the army has no real options for avoiding. The Hacker/LGL is interesting, especially with the FastPanda, although useful as a package it again represents SWC tied up in a place many would not typically have spent it. The Hacker and Sensor/Minelayer do both continue the theme of close engagement however, adding additional close range utility and encouraging the Fireteam to advance on the enemy. These two options also leverage the key advantage of the Regulars over their Fusilier competition, their superior WP, and thus represent important additions. Of course, you can simply run the Paramedic option, not because you’ll ever heal anyone with it (PH being the other stat, alongside WP, in which PanOceania is particularly poor), but just because it gets you a button pusher in a link that’ll be moving up the table (in all likelihood) without it costing you any SWC.

Overall the Acontecimento Regulars Fireteam Core option is a strong one for Acontecimento sectorial players. It offers a great opportunity to upgrade a cheap group of cheerleaders into a legitimate threat on the tabletop. Although not ideally suited to the long range fire support role which similar Fireteams excel at, they can serve in this capacity where necessary and the Sapper ability on their Snipers can even make them quite effective when they do. The combination of their Spitfire, cheap LGL, good Hacker and the Sensor option as well as their Jungle Terrain ability gives a better option however. Acontecimento Regulars truly excel when used as a more aggressive Fireteam, advancing into the mid-field to contribute to the mission and engage and destroy enemy threats which stand in their way. When used in this capacity they can be truly powerful.

It can offer a good base for a backup HMG gunfighter without the full cost of the Core, which also pairs well with the potential role as an order efficient system for delivering a Specialist midfield. Despite the disadvantages of Medium Infantry it's still going to be more efficient overall as opposed to moving three separate troopers up the table (even at 4-4 rather than the 4-2 delivered by the MI) and is also mitigated in the Season 10 environment by the addition of Forward Deployment in the ITS rules.

Their reasonable cost, wide range of skills and effective combat ability at all ranges make the Bagh-Mari a fantastic option to consider for a Fireteam Core or supporting Haris. You might want to consider fast or forward deploying units to compliment them, for those games where losing 2” of move an order is going to make a difference, but they are well worth your consideration.
And they do have beautiful new models too!
ORC Troops
Its fair to say that ORC troops are something of a controversial unit in PanOceania. They have some very determined and very loyal fans, especially amongst those players who have been in the game since N1 and remember using them as some of the earliest models (especially the excellent early Boarding Shotgun and HMG sculpts, which I'm still a big fan of personally). But others look at their cost and, justifiably, ask if they are bringing enough to the table to justify the points and SWC costs.
With the Haris option the first option which most players will consider will be the Boarding Shotgun Haris, plus an ORC HMG and the ORC Hacker. This covers all ranges with effective weapons (with a slight dip with the Combi at 8-16"), is capable of pushing upfield independently against moderate ARO threats and engaging virtually any target barring Smoke or TO/ODD. It will also perform specialist duties, admittedly at WIP 12. The modern hacking environment, with a wealth of KHD threats, may be daunting for that team however, and the choice of swapping out the HMG for the TinBot option instead may also be tempting. This trades long range firepower for better hacking protection, especially useful given the ORCs low BTS. The other common consideration is SWC cost, which may push some players to replace the HMG with a Multi Rifle option and rely on other long range threats (which Acontecimento can provide in spades) to clear AROs before advancing.
The same decisions hold for the Duo option, but without the burst advantage of the Haris the HMG is less of an attractive option, pushing towards the Hacker. With the Duo option starting with a Multi Rifle there is also a case to be made for supporting this with a Boarding Shotgun for a cheap close assault unit. A second Multi Rifle can also be a deadly midfield suppression threat, and this can be one of the best uses for ORCs when they can get up from your deployment.
Overall it's reasonable to question the ORC options in Acontecimento. Both the Guarda de Assaulto, Montesa Knight and even the Bagh Mari on the lower end, offer stiff competition and the value of the "top end" Haris of HMG + Hacker + Haris profiles runs a full 3 SWC in a sectorial already notorious for difficulty in coming in below SWC limits.
Knights of Montesa
The Knights of Montesa are the final Fireteam option for the Shock Army of Acontecimento, offering a Duo option which is generally well regarded. Any kind of Fireteam option for a unit which can deploy in the midfield is interesting, if only because of rarity. The Knight of Montesa is the only unit with the distinction of deploying up to the table mid-line in a Fireteam at this point in the development of the game, but the potential for others is certainly there (especially in Haqqislam).

Even if you write off their CC capability (which you probably should with Assault being locked to LoF and CC20 without Martial Arts being marginal at best) the basic Montesa is a highly flexible unit. Offering a dangerous pistol, solid midrange from the Combi and a Direct Template Weapon. But it is really the SWC options which make the Montesa shine. The Light Grenade Launcher is a classic unit with which to punish opponents who order spam or rely too heavily on Remotes, as well as for picking off key targets (like a Designated Target, or Specialists if your opponent only brought a couple). The Light Rocket Launcher similarly offers all the fun of a template, while also giving some Burst advantage and is thus a great compromise option. The Spitfire is just deadly as a hunter/killer with solid firepower and the ability to engage at any range out to 24" (which is incredible on a unit starting halfway up the table).
The question is how these units come together in a Duo. The Light Grenade Launcher doesn't really benefit from operating with a partner, but can also add another threat vector to the already dangerous Spitfire. The Spitfire and Light Rocket Launcher seem like a natural pairing, but are painfully expensive from an SWC perspective (as noted, already an issue for Acontecimento), if deadly in a wide variety of ways. But at the same time the vanilla profile does not really seem to offer much extra to either the Spitfire or the Light Rocket Launcher as an addon.
So, there we have it!
Acontecimento is an awesome Sectorial option, and a great entry point to the Hyperpower for players who are used to playing forces which bring more of the "tricks of the trade" into Infinity games. But it still delivers on the overwhelming firepower which is the real trademark of PanOceania.
Maybe get out there and give them a go for yourself!
Awesome blog, just found it and starting Pan-O myself. Keep the great articles coming!