"You’re trapped! No one can escape my tentacles!"
Gaia is an excellent robotic engineer trained by Moto.Tronica to become the PanOceanic alternative to the Nomadic Witch.GAIA: Varuna’s titan

smallest design detail of the holiday planet of PanOceania seems to be taken from an idyllic holiday brochure. Known as the ocean world because of its vast seas and small land masses, Varuna enjoys an incomparable climate that favors tourism and makes its inhabitants the most envied in the entire Human Sphere. However, its oceanic population never forgets the fury of the seas. Occasionally, Varuna suffers intense storms that stretch across the planet with a destructive force that is legendary due to the lack of large land formations that act as a natural barrier. Although both the population and the infrastructure are highly adapted to this terrible atmospheric phenomena, its dangerous power is responsible for the death of hundreds of inhabitants.
Zoe’s mother was an executive in one of the many tour agencies who do business with Varuna’s great demand for tourists. Her position allowed her to travel all year long, crossing from one end of the planet to the other. Her father was the head of an underwater extraction unit of Atlasium for a major company based in Damak. The exploitation of this neomaterial is so valued in the aerospace industry as a Teseum alloy that it is made in the open sea, where the storm hitches are stronger than anywhere else on the planet.

TESS consisted of a half-ring structure linked to the miners’ work team by a strong electromagnetic field. It obeyed simple mental commands through a device coupled to a comlog. Three five-meter
long and twenty-centimeters-diameter tentacles hung from three anchor points. Inspired by the rich marine fauna of the planet, Zoe designed these artificial limbs so that they were very flexible, able to endure the strong pressure and tension under the sea. Her proud father contributed to the project by giving her Atlasium and Teseum alloy to build the device. The strength of the tentacles was similar to enhanced military armor, and they could be separated from the structure and operate independently, or collectively in a coordinated manner. The mechanical wit had only one drawback: the interface only worked under Zoe’s orders, due to some kind of code injection that her flask geist unconsciously executed in the TESS system during its development.
Zoe’s passage to university had a bittersweet flavor until the last year of her career. On one end, she kept gaining skills as an engineer, applying her new knowledge to improve the design of the tentacles. However, she didn’t manage to solve the TESS problem, nor could she find a teacher or researcher that was able to help her. About to finish her scholarship, Moto.Tronica offered Zoe a new proposal: to compete in Aristeia! with TESS under their sponsorship to reinvest in the project. The idea was to obtain benefits, and therefore more resources and engineers to reach the key that unlocks the interface. Although she had practiced Scuball in her native Varuna for years, the newborn fighter underwent hard physical training to prepare her for the challenges of the arena. In addition to this, Moto.Tronica negotiated with VissioRama the exclusivity of the mechanical access to the scoring zones, creating a new future star of the HexaDome, born to be hEXx3r’s nemesis.
Gaia is an Aristo from the Masters of Puppets expansion, which are part of the third "wave" of sculpts for Aristeia. Like the other two-Aristo packs which came out in 2019 she was designed all at the same time after the end of the second "wave" in order to limit the impact of production and shipping on timelines for releases.
The model is only available in plastic, but shows the benefits of two generations of improvement to the Corvus Belli plastics. The crisp detail and depth of design on display is very impressive. That the only complaint about the model has been that her "cute image" from her art isn't fully portrayed in her face and hair is telling about how good the model is overall.
This is a very high quality plastic model which will reward the application of advanced painting techniques, but which also supports the basic skills of less advanced hobbyists.

While her Agility, at a single Yellow, is weak ('though check out her universal Switch) she has very strong Brawn. Throwing a Green means that she has a chance of stopping even the mighty Maximus, and the extra Yellow helps too, 'though mostly with that Switch.
The universal Switch in Question is one of the key features of Gaia as an Aristo. It allows her to Displace an Obstacle in Line of Sight and within 4 hexes. This can be an enormously transformative ability and means that Gaia plays very well with any Aristo able to give her Focus, or otherwise provide additional Yellow dice.
Having no attacks, apart from the default "Contender", Gaia is a pure support choice with three Actions, 'though the last one is closer to an Automatic Action in function.
At three Action Points, "Siren" is expensive for an Action, and acting only on Adjacent targets is certainly restrictive. On the up side with an Orange and Blue die it's likely to fire and hit a Switch even without enhancement. If you do get your Success it instantly sweeps both Gaia and the Target away to a Deployment Zone (not the Scoring Zone). This can be a huge play both offensively or defensively, either pulling an enemy Aristo out of position (either cleanly away or to your waiting companions) OR it can jump one of your Aristos up into contact with the opposition, or into a perfect sniping position. It's hard to overstate how powerful this can be as a positioning tool.
Last, but certainly not least, with the "Horme" Action Gaia can spend a Movement Point to Place herself within any Deployment Zone which is not a Scoring Zone. This allows her to reposition herself trivially easily, especially in Scenarios where the Scoring Zone moves, allowing her to jump into where it was previously to move other Aristos around with "Siren" and/or drop "Gorgoneion" Minions with "Anaphero". Remember that you don't have to use all your Movement Points at once, so she will often be able to jump in, take her Action(s) and then jump right back out again by simply spending another Movement Point. But this also means that she is VERY vulnerable to the "Immobilized" State, as this totally shuts down her movement.
In terms of her Tactics Gaia is a VERY powerful Aristo. Virtually all of her choices are potential game winners, and it was consideration of the options which she brought to the Tactics deck which led to the discussion around what would be the maximum number of "NO!" cards you could play in a single game. (it's 8, for the record, if you run the right Team).
Most of her Tactics are "selfish" in terms of their timing, at least. This is mostly an issue because if a canny opponent keeps Gaia in the Infirmary (and with her low Initiative there's usually going to be at least one chance to get a shot on her) you won't be able to get them off. So take care of her properly.
First up we have "Earth's Fury", it's a "selfish" option and plays only during Gaia's Action Step. This is a ranged area affect attack, hitting all Enemy Aristos within one Deployment Zone, other than the Scoring Zone. It's a solid opening play and deals them all a Hit Point of damage while also Displacing them. In some Scenarios this can hit the entire opposition Team before they have even moved!

What is that Effect? It swaps a Scoring Zone with any Deployment Zone which currently has none of your Allies inside of it.
THIS is the Tactic which immediately led to a discussion of how you can make it the most likely that you will have a "NO!" in hand to respond to it. Changing the Scoring Zone, even for a single Turn, is an amazing ability. And for Scenarios where it doesn't shift, it's even stronger.
Now, note the timing, it's dropping at the END of the Planning Phase, so your opponent can't respond by putting their Aristos down in a new Initiative Order either.
Third in the menu of Tactic options which Gaia offers for our consideration is "Obliteration". This, again, has "selfish" timing and requires Gaia to be up and Activating in order to fire.
Being able to Place every Obstacle, no matter where it is in the Hexadome at the time (remembering that this includes ALL Minions currently in play) onto any Free Space outside a Deployment Zone (and that includes Scoring Zones, but not Ziggurats) can also turn matches.
Despite being prevented from Placing Obstacles adjacent to one another you can use Blocked Spaces and your fellow Aristos, or Minions you summon after playing this Tactic, to totally cut off entire avenues of approach.
It can also allow you to set up some truly spectacular runs from Bxie, Gata or Hammerhead, offering perfectly placed targets for them to use their movement based abilities on.

In theory this could allow you to move up to 6 Targets, although tactically it's probably going to be more likely that you want to move either as many of your own Aristos as you can OR as many of the opposition as you can rather than taking the whole shitstorm and planting it somewhere else in the Hexadome (which isn't to say that wouldn't be hilarious to pull off).
Don't forget how easily Gaia can simply jump away from opponents who she uplifts in this fashion, no matter their number!
This Tactic pairs particularly well with "Earth's Fury" to make for an amazing hyper-aggressive opening play, dropping into a Deployment Zone of already wounded Aristos with an aggressive Close Combat Team. Just remember to leave someone out to score!
From a Scenario perspective Gaia is going to be most powerful whenever positioning play is key. This means that she is weaker in Scenarios like Carnage, where she is both too easily killed and simply won't contribute enough, or Conquest, which has too many Scoring Zones for her to use her abilities effectively.
This focus makes Gaia a "sometimes choice" similar to dedicated Scorers like Gata. She might not suit every match and I doubt I would ever select her as one of the 4 Aristos for a Carano Mod Team. Keep in mind also that the Tactic "Tectonic Shake" is banned in the Scenarios Conquest, Capture the Flag and Human Target (and it's useless in all the Ziggurat Scenarios).
In terms of team mates Gaia makes the biggest difference to those with limited mobility of their own. Maximus is certainly grateful for a lift across the Hexadome from time to time. But at the same time she can also be very effective with Aristos who need to move, like Valkyrie, or who want some distance, like Dart or Koorie Queen. Gaia will love having solid defense from a good Tank, and some State management available, but probably doesn't benefit from healing as much as others.
Given the strength of her Tactics Gaia is likely to reward, more than average, Team selection based on supporting that aspect of her play. It's hard to see how you'll regret using Oberon to pull "Tectonic Shake" for play while you are holding your own "NO!", for example (assuming the Scenario allows you to play it at all).
Here's a match where I used Gaia in my Deepwater Dragons team to huge effect, for the key moment watch from 10:30 to the end of Gaia's activation... those two opposing Aristos stay there (locked down by Gaia and her Gorgoneions) for the whole match:
As always, we'd appreciate your thoughts. Not just on this article but on the series as a whole as well. Are these articles suiting what you want from Aristeia! content? Is there something more you'd like to see from them?
But, also, do you use Gaia?
What kind of Team do you like to run her in?
Have there been any Scenarios where you felt she was really strong?
Has she been effective for you?
What limitations have you run into?
Let us know your thoughts.