On Sunday the 16th of June 2019 New Zealand saw its first ever Aristeia! tournament, at the Hobbymaster Event Center in Penrose, Auckland.
The Otono Cup was a three round AGL event with the Carano Mod, featuring Assault, King of the Hill and Carnage as the Scenarios.
The excitement, showmanship and action of the Hexadome dazzled as six teams battled for the honour of raising "The Bear", our beautiful trophy.

In our last article we covered the Deepwater Dragons team which I selected for the event. One point
which I did not discuss in great detail in that article was the need, in selection, to consider the full range of Scenarios being played and not just one matchup.

In selecting Maximus, Valkyrie, Mendoza and Dart I hoped to cover a good range of different situations on the table. Largely I saw Maximus as a literal shield, not really acting often himself except to get into position and take hits for the rest of the team. Mendoza was there to stop partway hits on Valkyrie and Dart from sticking, and keep bringing Max back up so he didn't go down. Valkyrie and Dart were both my killing pieces, and my scoring pieces. Both offered decent speed and the ability to prevent opponents removing them from the Scoring Zone.
When I stuck to that general outline, things went well. When I didn't (my third match in particular) the wheels started to come off.
Round One: Assault
Deepwater Dragons
Bad Wolves
Our first opposition were our old friends and rivals the Bad Wolves, with whom we were very familiar after the Pre-Season AAL. They were bringing Maximus, Murtair, Kozmo and Parvati in their Team for the Cup.
With Murtair dragging down their Initiative Total the Bad Wolves were starting as the Underdogs, but they put us into a Starting Zone which allowed us an unobstructed advance and we set up relatively confident that we would be able to execute our plan to get up in the first round.
We pushed up our whole team into the Center Zone, with Maximus activating first and leading the way. Both Max and Valkyrie got into position and helped to block, 'though in order to prevent a tie I had to push Dart into the Scoring Zone (so the Wolves Max couldn't make it in).

In the third phase the Wolves made a brilliant play to counter the unopposed Mendoza in the Scoring Zone, using "Track" to cover the remaining space his move wouldn't allow for while the rest of the Aristos were largely still tied down in a swirling melee in the center of the field.
In the fourth phase the Dragons Max moved up to his counterpart and managed to displace him using "Scram" to clear Valkyrie (after his Shield failed to do the job).
This allowed the Norse Goddess to move down and attack Murtair, 'though she failed to put the Wolf-boy out of commission to free Mendoza.
Thankfully Dart came around and Mendoza then disengaged and double moved across to win the Zone.

This meant that the final score would depend on the last phase, with the Dragons going in on 5 points to the 4 of the Wolves. Successfully saturating the Scoring Zone in Smoke meant that Kozmo wasn't getting anywhere, and Valkyrie managed to move close enough to the Wolves Max to drop Frostburn, giving us the chance to win. But with Mendoza out of range and Dart failing to Disengage from Parvati it left just the Dragons Max to move into the Zone and tie it up for the phase.
Final Score: Dragons 6 - Bad Wolves 5
Frags: Dragons 1 - Bad Wolves 3
Round Two: King of the Hill
Deepwater Dragons
In round two of the cup we met another rival from the AAL Pre-Season, the Thunderbolts. They had stuck to their well tested team combination of Hannibal, 8-Ball, Massacre and hEXx3r.
The Deepwater Dragons started as the Underdogs but the choice of starting Zones wasn't too critical for the match. The Dragons took a relatively dispersed approach, while the Thunderbolts stayed in a slightly tighter formation.
The key element which decided this match was well timed Frags. Massacre was taken out twice to prevent him activating to eliminate Dragon Aristos, Hannibal just before he ordered 8-Ball to clear out the Scoring Zone and while hEXx3r spent much of the match frustrated by Valkyrie and Dart (with Hidden making it difficult to play games with her either) she, too, went down at a critical juncture.
Keeping 8-Ball in the Zone for most of the game, while the Dragons targets were largely outside the Zone, slowed down scoring so that the game ran to Round 5. But despite a good last moment hEXx3r play to pull Max out of the Zone and put herself in for a Draw things still ended up in the Dragons favour.
Final Score: Dragons 8 - Thunderbolts 4
Frags: Dragons 5 - Bad Wolves 1
Round Three: Carnage
Deepwater Dragons
Cherry Bombs
The third round is where the wheels came off in terms of my personal performance as a Manager. A couple of dodgy early decisions followed by an entire game of playing Max wrong (moving him into opposing Aristos rather than to his Team) was only barely pulled back at the very end.
But, before we get to that, our opposition were our third regular opponents from the Pre-Season League (yes, there WERE two other players there with their Teams but the Dragons didn't meet them on the Hexadome) the Cherry Bombs. They had revised their lineup from the Pre-Season however, and now fielded Prysm, Lunah, Laxmee and Gata.
The Dragons were the Underdogs and I selected a Starting Zone with good total cover to prevent an Aristo who had not activated being picked off. With the tighter restriction on deployment offered by the Scenario Maximus couldn't make it into the Zone, and was then cut off from Mendoza, who advanced in and to the cover on the edge of the Zone, by Prysm moving past and between them. This set Mendoza up to drop from a well executed Lunah shot, while Valkyrie totally whiffed her attack.
In the following round Dart and Mondoza put Prysm down, but the Dragons failed to score the Zone, as none of their Aristos moved back sufficiently and another round of sharp shooting from Lunah sent Valkyrie to the infirmary. Max wombled meaninglessly around the table center.
In Round three Mendoza went to work, moving up and blowing Lunah away, while Valkyrie pinned (and was pinned by) Prysm. Max wandered in the center of the table for some reason, while Dart moved to score, only to have Gata flash across to counter and draw up the zone.
Dart now failed to clear her Dazzled State, leaving the scoring zone locked up, Lunah respawned and shot to no avail before being put right back into the Infirmary by Mendoza. Max finally started to move, but still didn't reach anywhere useful and Valkyrie picked off Laxmee.
In the last round the re-spawned Lunah had Max next to her, but shot anyway BECAUSE THAT'S NOT HOW MAX WORKS! She got her shot off, put Mendoza down and prevented a kill on Prysm. Which lined up a face off for the ages, Gata tried to Contender Dart, but didn't quite finish her off, leaving her Dazzled. Dart used her own Contender and with a mutual Frag both Managers were left with their teams on 8 points.
Final Score: Dragons 8 - Cherry Bombs 8
Frags: Dragons 5 - Cherry Bombs 4
Somehow this entirely lackluster performance (seriously, what the HELL was I doing in that last round?) was nevertheless enough to earn me first place in the event (I was the only undefeated player).
For another view point on the tournament I recommend the Aristeia! Tempest Hexadome video:

The Auckland Aristeia League or AAL Season starts now and runs 'till mid August. We've already decided we are using the Koorie Queen Mod for the Season, which means I'm expanding out my Bench for the Dragons.
And I need to get ready for bans!
After that, we'll play one capstone tournament, which will be our farewell to Season Two of the Aristeia Global League.
The next few "Aristo Analysis" writeups will be on the Aristos I'm adding to the Bench for the Dragons to make up my Starting Eight. After that we'll move on to the remaining PanOceanian Aristos and finally we'll take a look at non-PanOceanian Aristos in the "Rivals" series. But that isn't likely 'till Season 3, or even 2020.
There will be more Infinity content coming up soon as well, as we prep for the next Global Campaign, which Heart of the Hyperpower will cover in detail.
As always, we look forward to your thoughts.
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