"This life is nothing but a dream, and dreams are only dreams."
Oberon is a geist, a pseudo artificial intelligence with a great physical presence and programmed to defend his team from the malicious software of hackers.OBERON: The undaunted Oniromant

A geist is a pseudo artificial intelligence that acts as a quantum assistant and usually accompanies its host for their entire life. They specialize in storing the preferences and habits of their owners so they are able to anticipate their commands. They behave as an extension of the will of its human user.
Oberon was the code name for a geist developed by the company Aigletech at the request of Vissiorama. It was a very special assignment because the geist needed a physical presence in the HexaDome, and to behave like an aristo without reaching the quantum processing level of an Aspect of ALEPH ─the great Artificial Intelligence of Humanity─ as Miyamoto Musashi or Parvati.
It was the thirteenth season. Vissiorama had given the green light for hackers to enter Aristeia! to show off their “magic”. The host network of the show would provide access protocols to the Hexadome, so that they could alter the scenario and the battle conditions, within limits. This action wasn’t without its risks, as giving these cyberwarriors access to their systems also would allow them to find weaknesses in their network and sneak into places that they didn’t belong. As this was a very real threat, they decided to monitor and mute all system interaction activity out of the legal parameters by uploading the geist model Oberon.
All the teams were given the opportunity to have an Oberon, but only a dozen accepted, since they preferred to use a semi-autonomous AI that incorporated an aristo with their own skills. However, in just two seasons, the hackers were already integrated into the competition, putting to rest the worst fears of the organization. This caused the definitive termination of the Oberon program. All of the teams that had integrated one in their lineup returned it. The only exception was the Crimson Tide, Final Boss’ team that won the greatest title in the Group Category three times, all of them with their geist Oberon.
Now, the five-time Bahadur Final Boss has traveled into the past and rescued the last Oberon. He returned him, and maintained the elven appearance that characterized him during the fourteenth season called ‘Fantasy Medley‘. They say that his software has been updated, not only to be able to deal with extremely dangerous hackers like hEXx3r, Laxmee and Eclypse, but also to empower him and make him a hacker. Aigletech utterly denies this claim, but Final Boss doesn’t. It seems we’ll have to wait for this new season to find out the capabilities of this new Oberon.

In the case of the Oberon model the face, costume and detail tooling are all very good, with the only issue being his staff. Although the detail on the staff is good, the plastic material suffers from being too soft for these kinds of elements and it bends easily.
If the shaft of the staff is replaced, or drilled and reinforced, with a metal rod then this miniature becomes an excellent piece, which will suit simple techniques for modestly skilled hobbyists but still reward the talent and effort of truly skilled painters.

Both his Brawn and his Agility are average, and his Universal Switch is expensive, costing a Block and a Special to fire, but fantastic as it allows a Tactic to be drawn, similarly to Wild Bill.
Oberon is another pure Support Aristo who does not have any Attack options beyond the generic "Contender", but that's absolutely not why you are putting him into the Hexadome.
His first Action, "You'll Remember When Dreaming",costing a full 3 Action Points, has no range and needs no target but has a reasonable chance of firing with an Orange and Yellow die being thrown. It allows you to Search your Deck for a Tactic and then put it into your hand, shuffling your Deck afterwards.

Oberon's second Action, "You'll Forget When Waking", is quite complex due to the two separate Action Switches which can fire on top of the core Effect. It is, once again, relatively reliable with an Orange and Yellow die being thrown.
That core Effect is to apply the Silenced State to a target within 5 hexes, without needing Line of Sight. That last aspect is important, because Oberon really doesn't want to be exposing himself except when absolutely necessary for scoring, and that will likely get him put into the Infirmary when he is called upon to do it.

The second Action Switch requires two Special results to fire, which is more easily achieved on the raw dice of the Action but does also benefit from adding additional Yellow Dice, as it is highly repeatable. This Switch allows either the Stunned or Dazzled State to be applied to a Target within the slightly more limited range of 4 hexes. However you still require no Line of Sight, making the whole Action easily employable from behind a Blocked Space or another Aristo.
Finally Oberon also brings the Automatic Skill "I'm
Hope", which helps make even more effective use of his additional card draw. This allows any Tactic to be discarded to add a single Yellow Die to a Simple Roll rather than its usual Effect. You can only play one Tactic in this way for each Roll, but even with that restriction it can be a tremendous assist for those Aristos who are thirsty for additional Special results to fire their Switches on Actions, including Oberon himself. But note that this doesn't work for ANY Face to Face Rolls.
Overall Oberon is a strong Control and Support Aristo, offering particularly good support for Tactics hungry teams, but also a good answer to other Controllers, or Aristos who depend heavily on their Automatic Actions. However, if he can reliably produce enough Special results Oberon becomes capable of Controlling any kind of Aristo very effectively. hEXx3r, for example, is VERY sad when she has Silenced on Vade Retro AND a Stunned State to slow down all her Actions.
Oberon isn't just great for getting out the strong Tactics which other Aristos have contributed to your Deck, he's also bringing a strong selection of his own. He's largely a "generous" Aristo in terms of his Tactics, with only one ('though VERY strong) "selfish" choice.
Speaking of "selfish" choices, it's up first! "Destiny" (yes, continuing the "Endless" theme from Sandman which you've no doubt already noticed in the design) is specifically restricted to the beginning of the Actions Step of Oberon's Activation, restricting your ability to drop other Tactics in that Activation.
It prevents any play from playing any Tactics from being played until the end of the Round. Note that Oberon's own Automatic Ability still fires, because it discards rather than playing Tactics.

Next up for consideration is "Delerium", which can be played during the Actions Step of any of your Aristos.
Firstoff this is useful for looking at your opponents hand of Tactics. It's worth considering playing it just for that even if there are no Silenced State Tokens in play.
Be careful with your timing, keeping in mind that you don't want to let your opponent draw into something problematic (like their "NO!") so ensure what you are discarding is valid.
Note that they are only shuffling the cards removed from their hand back into their deck AFTER replacing them, so they can't just cycle the same Tactics back out immediately.

The third Tactic which Oberon offers us as an option is "Despair". This also plays during the Activation of one of your Aristos, in their Actions Step.
This can be used on yourself for limited, but selective, draw in a needful moment. But it is most effective in preventing an opponent from accessing their most powerful Tactics 'till late in the game (if at all).
Most Teams don't shuffle their Tactics deck often, meaning that anything you put to the bottom with this card won't be a worry for a good long time.
For added psychological impact, play this right after you put an opponents Aristo into the Infirmary and give them a "Dodge" card. Trust me, the look on their face will be worth it.

This won't let you recycle a Tactic which has been removed from the game, and note the timing.
As the Tactic is placed next to your Control Panel your opponent sees whatever evil plan you have concocted coming, but there is little to nothing they can do about that in the vast majority of circumstances.
Even limiting our thinking to the likes of "NO!" it's obvious how powerful this can be. But also consider recycling "Adamantine", "Go All-Out" or "Hic et Nunc" and playing them for a second time.
In terms of Scenario there are few where the options which Oberon affords a manager will be unwelcome, thanks to his Tactics draw alone.
But given his ability to shut down Actions and Automatic Actions with Silenced, as well as his potential to throw out Stunned and Dazzled, he's worth considering for virtually any match.

Given his lean into high Tactics draw Oberon is likely the most useful to Aristos who rely on additional Dice to get their Actions and especially Switches, firing effectively. Remember that literally any Tactic can become a Focus in his hands, for your Action driven Aristos.
Oberon also benefits from Smoke play, on both sides, more than most Aristos. He never needs Line of Sight, so he doesn't care if it becomes nearly impossible to draw! And boy, oh BOY does he love anyone who can give him the Hidden state.
So that's the King of Dreams, the "wizard" of the Hexadome: Oberon!
If you are interested in reading more about Oberon then check out his official write up here:
As always, we'd appreciate your thoughts. Not just on this article but on the series as a whole as well. Are these articles suiting what you want from Aristeia! content? Is there something more you'd like to see from them?
But, also, do you use Oberon?
What kind of Team do you like to run him in?
Have there been any Scenarios where you felt he was really strong?
Has he been effective for you?
What limitations have you run into?
Let us know your thoughts.
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