Let's start with the basics and have a look at the raw mechanics driving this expansion. It's all about transforming Aristos, with one Warewolf and one Power Armour shifter.
Both start off with their card on the red side, and this is flipped to the blue side based on rules specific to the Aristo (one is an action and the other a response to damage). They also return to the Hexadome in their "initial" state.
It's important to note that Action Points and any Movement Points already generated are not lost by the transformation. This means that higher Action Points will only be exploited on the next activation.
The Indomitable Shape-Shifter

But one should take precautions as to not make them angry, for the most alien and inhuman feature of these hybrid creatures is revealed in their momentos of rage. When a Dogface grows outraged, a startling transformation occurs: their endocrine systems fires up and their muscle mass increases, becoming a DogWarrior. They have much more defined Antipod features, but with corpulent and humanoid features.”

nothing’s further from the truth! Today’s guest in “Late Night with the Stars” has a lot to do with this intro: She was born in Fort Apache 5, Ariadna, an outpost likely to be one of the most dangerous in the Human Sphere. It is located in the middle of the Ariadnan Exclusion Zone, i.e. Antipod territory, outside the USAriadnan region frontier, and subject to constant raids from these lupine tribes.
»Tonight’s guest fighter is the product of one such raids. But let’s not dwell on what happened one night, 23 years ago, you know we’re not that kind of show. Please, let’s give a round of appaluse for Ádi Brown, aka “Moonchild”.
─Hey there, Vince. Thank you.
─Welcome, Ádi. Curious name, has it any meaning to it? Would you prefer Moonchild?
─ It means “Elder Sister”. And you can call me whatever way you like, Moonchild is fine and it’s the name Keller Resources has chosen for Aristeia!
─ Well then, Moonchild, according to the data our production staff has provided us, you’ve spend most of your life at outpost Fort Apache 5. That’s a military facility, so I just have to ask this: Are you part of the Ariadnan Army?
─ No, I just served a year when I was 16, to comply with the mandatory draft for dogfaces.
─ I see you say “dogface” outspokenly, yet I understand it’s a derogative term.
─ The word itself isn’t the problem. Looking like this, I can’t hide what I am, I’m even proud of it. You see, Vince, the issue is how and why do some people use it for. In the years I’ve spent being a “Route D” guide, between Fort Apache 5 and MOB Liberty, the so-called “Dead Man’s Journey”, I’ve had to deal with a lot of contempt from clients. Until the situation got dangerous and I saved their executive asses, then the way they treated me suddenly changed.
─ You’ve mentioned the famous “Dead Man’s Journey”, of which many of our viewers have heard the famous Aristo Wild Bill talk so much about; we’ll take the opportunity to send him our warmest wishes, since his presence last week helped us break yet again the “share” record among sports and society shows.

─ No, Vince, it seems that even though access to the Exclusion Zone requires a government pass and mandatory escort of at least one authorized guide, Wild Bill has a way to bypass proceedures. Besides, we all know the gunslinger doesn’t take company too kindly when he’s on one of his challenges.
─ Well, it sure sounds like a tough life, but you seem to have liked it. What took you from Dawn and brought you to space, among the Stars?
─ Back home, I became somewhat of an inconvenience. I’ve lost people I cared for and a client even lost… his life. Ever since then, I couldn’t continue as an authorized guide and without place for me there, I moved; and thanks to some contacts I got a job in private security.
─ At the very company that has sponsored your rise from the Junior Leagues to Aristeia!, Keller Resources, right?
─ Correct. A talent scout from the company came to me after a combat training session that got a little out of hand. His head was full with ideas from the success my fellow countryman Murtair had achieved in the Major Leagues. He barged into the changing room while I still… roared, ehm, transmuted. He was reckless, it’s nothing short of a miracle I didn’t strike him. He opened his arms and said: “You are awesome. And savage. And… I need you!” He’s still my husband, after all this time… ha, ha, ha.
─ Ha, ha, ha. Wow, unbelievable story! I’m sure Rhod will ask for more details.
─ Yeah, I remember him also saying that: “The crowd enjoys watching a Wulver like Duncan expressing his violence on the HexaDome. You’ll see how much he’ll enjoy when I turn you into an incredible She-wolf, howling to the Moon. And here I am, Vince. Ready to seize this opportunity.
─ I have no doubt about that. So here you have it, folks: Moonchild! Aristeia!’s new promise and surely your next favorite. Give her a round of applause!
“Sir, don’t make me angry. You wouldn’t recognize me when I’m angry.”
In her initial form Moonchild is a vulnerable but otherwise relatively effective short range combat Aristo, with a cheap ranged attack out to three hexes and a solid melee option. Obviously her Switch is a key element to her effectiveness, although the range restriction does prevent it from being quite as impactful as it could be against more distant opponents.
The option to deal a point of damage to yourself at the resolution of a combat roll is very useful, as you are going to want to get her to two damage as soon as you can. This form is far less effective overall, despite offering slightly longer ranged striking.
Moonchild transforms when she is about to go to the Infirmary, which makes it impossible to put this Aristo down with a single attack. Any attempt to do so simply results in a Dog Warrior. Furthermore this can't be shut down either, making her one of the toughest Aristos in the game. It ALSO ditches any and all tokens and markers on her, which means it can help mitigate states as well.
The Dog Warrior form of Moonchild is immediately notable for bringing six energy. This significantly mitigates the low movement of only three. Solid defense, brilliant Brawn (equal top with Maximus) and outstanding Agility (remember that Block result can cancel a Block your opponent rolls) combine to make for a true powerhouse.
Note the change in the range of the generic switch, so that it matches the range of her attacks. This MAY cause some confusion so keep an eye on it. Teseum Tomahawks is a very effective attack, the switch is useful, and thanks to Total Immunity you can't even suffer the effects of your opponents switches while you are on the offensive (or defensive, as long as it's an attack).
Berserk is an interesting mitigating factor, with Focused being fairly rare, but losing Cover is somewhat annoying. Having to attack a target in rage would hurt more if you didn't have six energy, but you can still do it and then move six hexes (or more with a good switch from Teseum Tomahawks) so it doesn't feel like too much of a disadvantage.
The second Tactic which Moonchild can offer adds to Disengage for the Round and also either offers higher movement (in Dogface form) or damage (in Dog Warrior form) to those targets she disengages from. It's not something I'd necessarily go to first, but it can help her perform as a scorer, so useful depending on your team composition.
Last, but not least, Moonchild also offers the option to simply place yourself adjacent to an enemy up to four hexes away without any need for line of sight. Like all of her Tactics this one is selfish, but will be useful for keeping opponents pinned.
So, overall Moonchild is an interesting addition to the Hexadome. She will combo well with Hannibal, as he can trigger her attacks easily, and may sometimes want Bachmann to poison her so that she can get into Dog Warrior form faster. Like all Melee Aristos she will benefit from good State removal, and has the toughness to get benefit from a healer. She might not be the best first choice as a Tank, but she can do the roll if needed in her team and she's certainly going to be tough to put down quickly. While her final impact remains to be seen she's certainly already shaping up to be a solid choice.
Hexadome Lord of Thunder

The Invincible Army represents the soldier-citizen, the common man or woman who take up arms to defend their country. Any StateEmpire citizen could be found under the helmet of an Invincible, since discipline and technology empowers all those committed to Yu Jing.

Taking “Léi Gōng” as his nom de guerre, he was presented in Aristeia! with one of the largest media displays ever seen in this sport. Regardless, he has soon proved that the only advertising he needs is nothing more than being given more time in the arena. His exploits in the HexaDome and his plethora of victories quickly have made him become a star in his own right and a source of pride for Yu Jing.
With his overwhelming charisma and a bold, boastful attitude, Léi Gōng has earned himself fans and followers all over Maya; he knows he is one of the best and he likes to brag about it. His is a combination of skills, attitude, and success that is truly irresistible to the public.
“When the thunderclap comes, there is no time to cover the ears.”

Thanks to his automatic ability Spiritual Vision he's always going to be able to ignore Smoke himself, but Lightning Bolt is more likely to trigger his Switch than to actually do damage. Of course, that can also be used for further mobility.
The transformation ability for Léi Gōng is exactly that, a zero cost action which allows you to flip the Character card but requires you to retain all tokens and markers (no free healing here).
Once transformed Léi Gōng has reduced Defense but increased Brawn and Agility. His universal switch remains the same, and he now not only ignores Smoke but actively seeks it out for bonus damage output.
Obviously the key element here is Closed Barrage, the attack which allows Léi Gōng to put out (assuming you can get to a Smoke before firing) an automatic Crit and three orange dice. This is truly horrifying for any low health Aristo who catches his attention, but equally devastating when leveled at tougher Aristos thanks to the action switch which cancels Block results (and remember, if he's shooting out of Smoke he doesn't need those himself because he can't take damage).
During the Preparation Step you are going to be flipping Lei Gong back to his Initial Profile, but this doesn't seem like much of a disadvantage given that improves his defenses. It's likely that you will want to activate him late so that he's exposed for the least time possible with his weakened defenses.

Your second choice, as a manager bringing Léi Gōng into the hexadome as part of your team, is a debuff. It hits a single target in LoS of Léi Gōng and up to five hexes away for a damage and either an Initiative penalty or a Movement penalty. Not terrible but very overshadowed with the other options available.
Thirdly Léi Gōng offers the option to bring in a protective effect, which prevents an ally in Smoke from taking any damage. It also allows you to put out extra Smoke if used on Léi Gōng himself, and lasts for a full Round. It's a generous Tactic with great timing and another potentially game winning option.
Last, but certainly not least, Léi Gōng can cross the hexadome with an unlimited range place effect which only needs a Smoke to target. While you can't go straight into a Scoring Zone and can't make any Attacks during the Activation it is used (can you Attack before this is played? perhaps not, you might not be able to use it if you have Attacked) it can still allow him to score from otherwise impossible positions.
Overall Léi Gōng is a very interesting striker with very solid potential as a scorer. His Tactics options are brilliant and well worth recycling where possible. He won't always benefit from Hannibal in terms of a damage bonus, but really loves his Tactics support, and Wild Bill or Oberon will be good for the same reason. Of course, he works so well with Bìxié, Kozmo and Táowù that "Team Yu Jing" will be a solid option (and, of course, if you agree with us that Mushashi is far more Yu Jing than ALEPH then you even have a Melee option to run with them). He's going to be an interesting option, even if his weakness to direct attacks offers one straightforward counter.
So, that's it for Double Trouble.
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