Example VIRD Fusilier Fireteams
After looking at Fusilier Fireteam Core options for the Varuna Immediate Reaction Division in our previous article, it seemed like a good idea to give some examples of the kinds of combinations which VIRD offers for Fusiliers.
Generally speaking, Fireteam Core builds tend to fall into one of three different categories:
- Firebase - Long range firepower with little intention of much re-positioning during the game.
- Specialist Delivery - Firepower and Specialist team to fight into position and accomplish objectives.
- Combat Team - Dedicated offensive unit maximizing firepower for engaging and destroying at all ranges while advancing.

firebase fusiliers
This is the classic Varuna Fireteam Core. The 5-Trooper Core bonus enhanced Kamau MULTI Sniper Rifle is one of the most significant meta impacting developments in the late N3 era and, barring the kind of substantial change which we aren't really expecting from N4, is very likely to continue to be effective well into the future of the game.
The key is simple. With Burst 2 (from the 3-Trooper Fireteam bonus), Sixth Sense lvl 2 (from the 4-Trooper Fireteam bonus), BS 16 (from the base of 13 + 3 for the 5-Trooper Fireteam bonus), MSV 2 (leaving few penalties to-hit other than Cover) and Mimetism (further penalising all but MSV armed opponents) the Sniper offers an exceptional aggressive defense at excellent range bands.
This team benefits from low cost, 'though it still brings along one Specialist (just in case) and will often benefit from having an ORC or Kamau HMG to hand in order to transition into Active Turn range firepower if/when the Sniper goes down or when the opponent has no meaningful threats left for it to need support from a Fireteam.
We leave the Lieutenant out mostly because VIRD has other options (HELLO! Zulu Cobra!) which will usually fit into that role better. But obviously it's trivial to swap one of the regular Combi Fusiliers into the Lt if you want to.
Offering a "discount defensive" option, which also synergises well with the Machinist support you will want for a Cutter based list, this choice is solid for any time you simply can't afford the points required for the Kamau Sniper without having to make unacceptable compromises elsewhere in the list.
There ARE some other build models which will also demand this (quite high, given the efficacy of
the Core Fireteam Kamau Sniper) price (going all in on Croc Men adds up fast!) but most of the time a list considering opting for this choice is going to be built around the Cutter.
This focus also accounts for the presence of the Fusilier Lieutenant by default. While you could also invest in a Zulu Cobra Lt for a Cutter list it's often going to be an unnecessary extravagance which you would be sacrificing important list essentials to bring.
Lastly in this category this option is investing heavily in defense, and you might even consider a version of this which also includes the Clipper. The idea here is to shore up at least some of the weaknesses of the Kamau Sniper by looking to the ORC Feuerbach as a supplementary ARO piece.
Albedo and White Noise are the key factors which the presence of the ORC helps to mitigate, although it will often be necessary to allow such units some opportunities to take on the Kamau Sniper alone, careful positioning should allow the ORC to prevent them from getting inside the optimal ranges of the Kamau without taking on the Heavy Infantry partner in the team.
Even 'though it doesn't have Mimetism it's still a deadly danger, with Burst 2 BS 17 Explosive AROs being nothing to sniff at no matter what you are bringing to the party yourself as an active turn shooter. And few options able to operate with Albedo or White Noise support can go confidently up against such a challenge.
specialist delivery fusiliers
This particular option, for better or worse, focuses on the Characters who can join our merry band in VIRD. At a glance it seems like it might be vulnerable to sniping out that lone Fusilier, but keep in mind that Bipandra and Quinn count as Fusiliers for Fireteam composition so it's actually pretty robust from that perspective.

You are bringing a solid package of specialists along here, and I'd probably consider dropping the Fusilier Paramedic for another Forward Observer most of the time (barring mission specific requirements) or even a Fusilier Hacker if the mission bonus leaned that way. Or you could "cheap out" and swap the Kamau Hacker for a Fusilier Hacker if you really want those 10pts somewhere else.
The nice thing is the way you've also got good coverage of advancing range bands, with the Kamau doing most of the grunt work there but with Quinn stepping in against some targets, and when you step inside 16" and even Bipandra offering a superior Combi option for 0-8" and the Nanopulser for a DTW.
One hilarious option is this hacking based setup. It's not something which most opponents will see coming and could well discourage them from discounting PanOceanian hacking as a threat!
Once again it's more robust than it might first appear, thanks to the Special Fireteam option with the Fusiliers and ORCs being pretty flexible, and it's delivering three hacking AROs to every target that has the misfortune of moving within range of any Repeater you put out.
Put together with a good selection of PanOceanian combat Remotes and you'll not only have your opponents hackable targets keeping well away but also putting the fear of the Hyperpower into their Hackers as well. It's still got that Kamau HMG to push up the table, and even adds an ORC Boarding Shotgun for stepping around corners and saying "BS23? Don't mind if I DO!"
combat team fusiliers
What we've got here is a team which can take on any threat, at any range, with a high degree of confidence that they have the tools for victory. The reliability of a second Wound to help mitigate unlucky crits is a key point here.

With ORCs reaching out to 32" at BS 17 and Burst 5, and covering within 8" with that delicious 23 if you can angle your opponent out of cover. Quinn steps in to cover the gap in the 8-16" range and helps with Camo, as well as being a specialist.
But we're also packing that ultimate "problem solver" the Light Grenade Launcher, and unlike most Fusilier teams we've got plenty of ways to get it up the table reliably. Of course, this package isn't exactly cheap in terms of points, nor (perhaps especially) SWC, but it's hardly breaking the bank either. And you can always swap out the Paramedic Fusilier for another FO if you don't need that kind of specialist in the team ('though Paramedics aren't terrible for bringing up an ORC at need).
Last, but certainly not least, is the slightly more fragile but often mechanically superior option of the Kamau as point men. While the only have the one Wound, thanks to Mimetism they are functionally 2 BS up on the ORCs against most targets.
This obviously has the advantage of being cheaper than the ORC driven team, and brings a selection of heavy weapons along for ranged combat, with both the HMG and HRL being very useful in the right circumstances. In close there's an SMG too, 'though you probably don't want your Kamau tangling in that close against a lot of threats.
Quinn, the LGL and the specialist (Paramedic is less important here, you'll be more likely to swap out to the FO when the mission doesn't suit) all play the same part here. It's certainly nice packing MSV and a Shock option for when those can be relevant ('though Fire on the HRL can do that job too).

With ORCs reaching out to 32" at BS 17 and Burst 5, and covering within 8" with that delicious 23 if you can angle your opponent out of cover. Quinn steps in to cover the gap in the 8-16" range and helps with Camo, as well as being a specialist.
But we're also packing that ultimate "problem solver" the Light Grenade Launcher, and unlike most Fusilier teams we've got plenty of ways to get it up the table reliably. Of course, this package isn't exactly cheap in terms of points, nor (perhaps especially) SWC, but it's hardly breaking the bank either. And you can always swap out the Paramedic Fusilier for another FO if you don't need that kind of specialist in the team ('though Paramedics aren't terrible for bringing up an ORC at need).
Last, but certainly not least, is the slightly more fragile but often mechanically superior option of the Kamau as point men. While the only have the one Wound, thanks to Mimetism they are functionally 2 BS up on the ORCs against most targets.
This obviously has the advantage of being cheaper than the ORC driven team, and brings a selection of heavy weapons along for ranged combat, with both the HMG and HRL being very useful in the right circumstances. In close there's an SMG too, 'though you probably don't want your Kamau tangling in that close against a lot of threats.
Quinn, the LGL and the specialist (Paramedic is less important here, you'll be more likely to swap out to the FO when the mission doesn't suit) all play the same part here. It's certainly nice packing MSV and a Shock option for when those can be relevant ('though Fire on the HRL can do that job too).
So there are a few ideas on how you can build a Fusilier Fireteam for different purposes in the Varuna Immediate Reaction Division.
Is there anything you think we've overlooked?
How are you building your VIRD Fusilier Fireteam Core?
Gone beyond the Kamau Sniper, or has your Meta not yet answered that particular question well enough?
Gone beyond the Kamau Sniper, or has your Meta not yet answered that particular question well enough?
Tell us what you think!
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