#Connecting to Maya Hexahedron Secure Net
//-Sourcing Maya Stream: “Asteroid Blues – Initial Zone Sweep”
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Admiral JCJ [REDACTED] – Flag Aboard POS Phoenix – OIC PanOceanian Fleet Detachment “Taniwha”
Initial passage through the Abyss Gate from Paradiso uneventful.
Frigate POS Monash dispatched to sweep the Helicon Belt and Trojans.
Frigate POS Chaytor dispatched to sweep Orthys Belt and orbital facilities.
Cruiser POS Melbourne, Frigate POS Nasution and Transport POS Riker hold station by Abyss Gate.
Battleship POS Phoenix, Frigate POS Bonifacio and Transport POS Reynolds proceed to Homeric Belt and Novyy Bangkok.
All assault teams stand ready to respond to any distress signal from Liberty Cargo, or at the first sign of Combined Army presence on Novyy Bangkok.
Deployments to reinforce The Gallery Maze and The Strip will be assessed by command, local authorisation for independent action is confirmed.
//- …Mayacast Ends
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Hexahedron Secure Net #Disconnecting…
The Admiral swiveled in his chair, eyes refocusing away from the projected Maya feed and back onto the bridge. He smiled slightly as he saw the Omn Starfish, Lassit, taking a moment to enjoy the sound of her singing a tune in Tetessom while her eyes reflected bright lavender from the smooth curve of the bridge in front of her.
Looking around he nodded at the sight of the two additional sensor technicians, working in the temporary stations which had been activated prior to Gate transit. Fleet Sensor Officer Warwick was coordinating their efforts, as both techs and their Geists pulled data she was working to produce meaningful answers from the sea of information.
Turning his attention back to the series of Maya feeds his own Geist was curating, he let his attention drift across the latest updates from the newsfeeds alongside the information coming in from the Hexahedron and the flotilla. Everything seemed to be in order, with the only report calling for more than the attention of a moment being the request from the Avro-Kaizuka station for assistance with a local piracy issue. He flicked a confirmation to the Captain of the POS Monash to deal with the issue at her discretion when she reached that point in her sweep.

With the PMC still reeling from the disaster of the Third Offensive, and smarting from the failure on Dawn not long before, it was important that the response to this emerging situation was swift and decisive.
For a moment he considered the units which were currently directly available. The Long Range Operations Group weren't ideal for fighting in space, Acontecimento troopers fresh from combat on Paradiso and Dawn, but they knew their work. And then there was the detachment of Hospital Knights, and associated Military Orders support elements, which were in transit with the flotilla.
But that was a matter for another time.
His hand gestured briefly, fingers extended and each moving independently in a complex, but well practiced, pattern. The room dissolved as his cranial ComLog fed his senses entirely into the shared Mayaspace of the command centre.
It was time to gather the commanders.
Still from Zhan Huo firebase where our troops were rescued, i´m moving to Human Edge for duty!